marți, 21 septembrie 2010

ColEm PSP v2.6.1 Released

Remember these Coleco classics: Frogger, Heist, and what about Boulder Dash? I bet you haven’t played any of those in ages, or maybe not at all… Well Akop delivers a quick blast from the past with ColEm PSP — the ColecoVision emulator — version 2.6.1, which fixes a couple nasty bugs that prevented those three roms from working. Oldtimers: relive the nostalgia. Youngins: this is how it all started.
ColecoVision Frogger Screenshot ColecoVision Heist Screenshot ColecoVision Boulder Dash Screenshot
ColEm PSP v2.6.1:
  • Now clearing all RAM to zeros (Heist works)
  • Now padding smaller ROMs with 0xFFs in LoadROM()
  • Fixed Reset9918() to reset VDP completely (Boulder Dash and Frogger)
  • Implemented SCREEN2 table address masking, thanks to Daniel Bienvenu
  • New save file format – not compatible with previous version
Download: ColEm PSP v2.6.1

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